Level IV: Mesosystem Restructuring (MR)

Mesosystem Restructuring (MR) is a method which encompasses techniques that restructure the inter-relationships,structure, function, and hierarchy among cultural, family, and individual subsystems. The focus of MR is change in the ecological system at Level IV (sociocultural-familial). Thus, MR represents the most macroscopic perspective of the domain levels. An intervention at any level might qualify as MR, as small perturbations in a complex system can lead to shifts in the manner the system operates. In particular, MR is oriented to the larger social. political, and cultural units as they interact with family and individual personality systems.

A SAMPLE LIST OF TECHNIQUES (Go to Psychotherapedia for a more complete listing)

Ecosystem restructuring:

  • Multisystemic family therapy (Markowitz, 1997)

Social System Restructuring:

  • Ideal substance use plan (Tatarsky, 2003)
  • Goal setting without requiring abstinence (Tatarsky, 2003)
  • Community members as clinical helpers (James, 1996)