Intrapsychic Restructuring (IR)
From Psychotherapedia
Intrapsychic Restructuring (IR) is the Intrapsychic-Biological Substrate
Intrapsychic Restructuring (IR) refers primarily
To enhance adaptive responses at the intrapsychic level of operation.
Goals of Restructuring:
Create enhanced differentiation and integration among components of the intrapsychic system including neurobiological networks, defense-anxiety-affect loops, limbic system regulation etc
- Subtypes of Intrapsychic Restructuring:
- Defensive Restructuring: focus on defensive operations
- Cognitive Restructuring: focus on cognitive schema, templates, and beliefs
- Affective Restructuring: focus on affective process and emotional experiencing
- Cognitive-Behavioral Restructuring: focus on behavioral, cognitive-affective experience and learning
- Neurobiological Restructuring: focus on neurobiological pathways, states and neurodynamic processes
Techniques of expected-transactive restructuring Interpretation and linking Transference-Past relationships (T-P) Transference-Current relationships Transference-Current relationships-Past relationships (T-C-P) (Sifneos, Malan, Davanloo) Empathic validation (Kohut, 1971) Encouragement to elaborate