
Introduction by Jeffrey J. Magnavita, Ph.D., UPP Founder/Coordinator

The Unified Psychotherapy Project (UPP) Task Force is an invited group of leading researchers, scholars, theorists, and clinicians who are devoted to advancing the field of clinical science and psychotherapeutics. The mission of the task force is to catalogue the methods and techniques of contemporary psychotherapy and organize them at four domain levels. The UPP is similar, although on a smaller scale, to the human genome project in that there currently is no comprehensive database which can be used by clinical scientists and clinicians.database which can be used by clinical scientists and clinicians comprehensive database which can be used by clinical scientists and clinicians.

PLEASE CLICK on the following video links to learn more about various approaches, theories, and perspectives in contemporary psychotherapy from some of the leaders in the field. We hope you enjoy the videos!

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
by John Frederickson, MSW



Click here to see video

Introduction to EMDR Theory & Techniques
by Roy Kiessling, Ph.D.



Click here to see video

Emotionally Focused Couples’ Therapy (EFT)
by Sue Johnson, Ph.D.



Click here to see video

Evidenced Based Short Term Psychotherapy
by Allan Abbass, MD



Click here to see video

Unified Psychotherapy Integral Theory
by Andre Marquis, Ph.D.



Click here to see video


Psychotherapedia is an internet-based Wikipedia for cataloging the techniques and methods of psychotherapy. Mental health professionals and researchers may enter techniques by clicking psychotherapedia and entering their information. The techniques will then be organized into one of the four categories of methods.The techniques will then be organized into one of the four categories of methods This list will be reviewed by UPP task force members and if appropriate will be considered for inclusion in the database, along with definitions, references and patient-client interaction demonstrating technique. When sufficient data has been gathered the database will be accessible to qualified researchers, educators, and clinicians.